- Beneath boulder
- Behind mass of cobwebs
- Behind mirror
- Behind wall of ice
- Behind wall of fire
- Behind wall of cracked clay
- Behind waterfall
- Behind locked door
- Though crawlspace
- At bottom of well
- At bottom of lake
- At bottom of empty grave
- In mouth of giant fish
- In hollow tree
- In heap of dead leaves
- In heap of loose sand
- In ornate vase
- Up hard-to-climb slope
- Atop ivy-covered cliff
- Open only at sunset
Roll 1d3+1 for number of rooms. Each room contains:
- Four sleeping goblins
- Four watchful goblins
- Ghost hiding in one of four portraits
- Fat orc w/ weak point on back
- Giant spider w/ human face on back, weak point on stomach
- Skeleton knight
- Lizardman knight
- Four stationary plant monsters that grow back in 1 round unless killed simultaneously
- Firebats
- Electrified ooze
- Ooze that eats shields
- Ooze that turns to stone on exposure to light
- Disembodied hand that wants to drag you into another dimension
- Four statues, two of which are secretly alive
- Laser eyeball on pedestal
- Giant, irritable bird
- Animated wizard robe w/ bird mask, wizard powers
- Mummy w/ paralyzing screech
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Bridge over pit w/ razor pendulums
- Icy floor
- Knee-high water
- Wooden platforms across lake
- Ice platforms across lake
- Fast-flowing river that takes you out of dungeon
- Switch that raises and lowers water level in whole dungeon
- Fishing hole
- Metal platforms across lake of magma
- Jets of flame from cracks in wall
- Quicksand
- Giant fan blowing you into pit
- Exploding flowers
- Smashable vases, one w/ fairy in it
- Magic fountain, heals you once
- Sunbeam, light-sensitive switch
- Hidden chest w/ extra reward. Roll again on entrance table
- Roll again on monster table
- Roll again on monster table
- Nothing
Your reward is:
- Insultingly small amount of money
- Large amount of money in a form you can't conveniently carry
- Grappling hook
- Boomerang
- Fire arrows
- Mirror shield
- Iron boots
- Fishing rod
- Slingshot
- Bottle of milk, heals drinker
- Bottle w/ fairy trapped inside
- Telescope
- Warhammer
- Jar of wind
- Mask that lets you read the minds of dogs and stones
- Mask that makes you run faster
- Mask that lets you never sleep
- Mask that makes the children of the forest accept you
- Wind-up mechanical mouse that explodes
- Compass
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Entrance is behind a wall of fire
3 rooms
1st contains metal platforms across a lake of magma
2nd contains quicksand and four statues, two of which are secretly alive
3rd contains a giant fan that blows you into a pit and four plant monsters that must be killed simultaneously
Your reward is a mask that lets you read the mind of dogs and stones.
Then you draw up a map and make it all thematically relevant. So the quicksand is boiling mud, the plant monsters are sulphurous albino cacti, the fan tries to blow you into the mud while the cacti spit sulphur at you and spiky obsidian idols come at you with tomahawks, but if you get the mask from behind the fan you can read their minds and learn why they hate you. You'll figure it out.
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